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Tsaritsyno tours: ensemble of Catherine the Great

During the tour you will see a unique architectural ensemble of the imperial residence, built for Catherine the Great in the second half of the XVIII century. architect V.I. Bazhenov. The excursionists will get acquainted with the history of the construction of the summer country estate and its further fate, find out what is the playful character of the Tsaritsyno architecture, and visit the ceremonial halls of the reconstructed Grand Palace - the only building designed by M.F. Kazakova.

Option "Opera House"
At the Opera House, visitors will see masterpieces of sculpture from the collection of the Ostankino museum-estate, which had not previously left its walls. Among the works presented are genuine antique, the oldest of which dates from the 2nd century BC. e., and the work of famous Western European and Russian masters. Visitors will learn how Russian aristocrats of the 18th century formed their collections, what role sculpture played in their lives, why artists and collectors, among whom was Catherine II, turned to antiquity.

Option "Greenhouse"
Visitors will find out when greenhouses appeared in Tsaritsyno, see plants popular in the 18th century, admire flowering plants, and smell aromas of exotic spices in one of the greenhouse buildings.

Duration of excursions (in different options) - from 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours.

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