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Kamchatka with comfort

7 days / 6 nights
Full board

Tour program

Meeting at the airport. Transfer to the hotel. Overnight in the hotel.
This day is dedicated to rest and acclimatization.


Moving to volcanic plateau at Mutnovsky volcano foothill. Mutnovsky is one of the most impressive and memorable Kamchatka`s volcano. Ascending to the crater. Our ascending will be accompanied with specific sulphur smell, puffs of smoke, low-frequency rumble and other volcanic processes. You can see massive glaciers, melting under hot vapour puffs here. Melting water runs into a gorge and forms Volcannaya river, which cuts walls of north crater and falls dowm, making up 80 m waterfall. All these beauties will be accessible for us. 
Overnight in the hotel.


Moving to Bystraya river (150 km, 3 hours). Bystraya river is an inflow of Bolshaya river, it`s typical montain river. Its length is 270 km. Bystraya river flows into Okhotsk sea. It is the longest river in Kamchatka west coast. Our route will go from Malki settlement to Bolshaya river estuary, outside settlements, thus you will see wild nature.
Dinner. Rafting and fishing program. 
Overnight in the hotel.


Ascending to Avacha volcano. The ascending is not very steep, but long. It usually takes 6-7 hours to get to the top for people of average physical condition.
Before climbing to the cone, where the angle of slope is steeper, we will have a short halt and gain strength. There will be an amazing panorama view for those, who have not get off the road and overcame all the difficulties of the way. There will be Pacific Ocean, Petropavlovsk city, Nalychevo nature reserve and, of course, domestic volcanoes on the horizon. We are on the summit!

The very crater has a bowl form, it fills with hardened lava, which is like a treasure. You will feel the smell of sulpher and observe fumarole activity. 
Overnight in the hotel.


Cruise to Russian bay. Having taken a cruise at Russian bay, you can have most incredible impressions of Kamchatka. You will pass by the most popular rocks in Kamchatka -"Three Brothers". 
Next point of our excursion is Starichkov island. As it is a reserved territory, it is strictly prohibited to land there. Approaching to the island, you will be surrounded by birds colonies hubbub. You will see sea animals, lying at nearest small rocky islands. They are ringed seals, seals and sea lions.

Slowly we will reach main destination - Russian bay. Depth of the bay is highly considerable. It is perfectly protected from any storm. It is big enough for big ships as well. There is a lake right above the bay. Its water contains considerable concentration of silver. We will pass by Kekurny cape, where sea lions rookeries are.

The biggest inhabitants of seas - whales and orcas come here in summer, looking for fish. You will remember this meeting for a long time.  During the cruise you will have deep water fishing. It is one of tourists favourite occupation. A professional diver will sink to the bottom and take some sea urchins, which are very valuable in some counties. 
Overnight in the hotel.


Valley of geysers is a natural monument of internatonal meaning.The only geyser field in Eurasia. It takes second place in the world according to the number of geysers outlet on the spot. It lies in a deep canyon, in a gorge of which Geyser river runs slowly. Walls of the gorge keep hot water, mud, vapour and numerous gushing springs outlets. Here, on this sanctuary territory, you can observe all diversity of nature, even its most fantastical forms. Climate of central part of Kamchatka and here is different. Many complex biological systems exists here.
After observing the sights of the Valley we will get into the helicopter and move to the next point - Uzon volcano caldera.

This place is a vast hollow with 10 km diameter. The surface is rather flat, you can even think that it is not a volcano. But such volcanic processes as mud cauldrons, acid lakes and hot fumarols will definitely convince you. You must follow safety instructions here as well as in the Vallye of Geysers. Guide will tell you about it. There are many places and things here, which are absolutely different from what they look like. For example, some lakes fill not with water, as you may suggest, but with real acid. During excursion you can run into different animals: brown bears, red foxes and other.

After walking we move to natural park Nalychevo. Here we will bathe in hot springs and have tasty dinner.

Overnight in the hotel.


Transfer to the airport. We are waiting for you here again for new impressions!